Join us for worship


  • Bible Study - 10:00 a.m.

  • Worship - 11:00 a.m.


  • Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.

What to Expect When You Visit

It can be confusing and intimidating to arrive at a new place, not knowing what to expect. For that reason, here’s a short explanation of what our services involve.


  • Throughout worship, the whole congregation is invited to sing together. As was the custom of the early church, we sing without instrumental accompaniment. We sing from hymnals which are placed under each chair. All are encouraged to sing regardless of skill!


  • We typically engage in communal prayer a couple of times each service. Someone at the front will lead the prayer. You are invited to pray with us! Many members will bow their heads and close their eyes out of reverence, but there is no required posture you must take.

Communion (The Lord's Supper)

  • Every Sunday, as was the custom of the early church, the church meets together to partake of communion. This consists of bread and grape juice. These elements serve as a symbols of Jesus’ death and remind us of our calling to discipleship. Participation is up to you.


  • After communion, we collect a contribution to financially support the church. Visitors aren’t expected to contribute, but may do so if desired.

Coins for Christ

  • Our Coins for Christ ministry provides an opportunity for people to save up spare change and contribute to special causes. The cause will be announced alongside this collection.


  • During the service, the minister will give a sermon. Sermons typically last around 25 minutes. The message preached is wholly based upon Scripture. If you have questions about what was said, feel free to ask the speaker after services.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 372

Marquette, MI 49855


1104 West Fair Ave.

Marquette, MI 49855

(906) 226-2310

Bringing the World to Christ, Bringing Christ to the World